Hey! read this.
Enthusiastic conversations about books with friends! Hosts Becca and Victoria ask their very cool guests to recommend any book or written work that they want to talk about, we then read and talk about it. Pretty simple right?
Hey! read this.
6. Victoria's (BIRTHDAY) Pick: The Presence of Absence a Novel by: Simon Van Booy
Becca Howell and Victoria Aslanides
Season 1
Episode 6
In this episode Becca and Victoria discuss The Presence of Absence a Novel by: Simon Van Booy and wish Victoria a very happy Birthday month! Tangents abound and spoilers ensue but don't let that stop you from listening or more importantly picking up a copy of this book for yourself!
As always, thanks to James Allen for their work on our theme music. Check out more of their work at Jamesallencomposer.com
Find us on Instagram @heyreadthispod